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    What does Adderall do?

    Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, two central nervous system stimulants, are combined in Adderall to improve focus and lessen impulsivity by raising dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Adderall was granted approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1996.

    Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, two central nervous stimulants that improve focus and reduce impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain.

    How Does Adderall Work?

    By raising dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine levels, Adderall transforms the brain's overstimulated condition into a normal state of stimulation.

    What does Adderall do to a “normal” individual without ADHD? When dopamine levels are initially normal, a person could experience exhilaration, an increase in alertness, and an improved capacity to handle stress. This can help explain why Adderall is frequently overused by students who are under pressure from examinations, term papers, or extracurricular activities, even though it is not advised.

    How long does Adderall last?

    As opposed to the extended-release Adderall XR, which only needs to be taken once per morning, the immediate-release Adderall version lasts for about 4-6 hours each dose. One of the most often recommended drugs for treating ADHD is Adderall.

    Adderall side effects:-

    Children, teenagers, and adults with ADHD can use the medication Adderall to aid with their symptoms. While taking Adderall, some people may develop mild to severe adverse effects. The medicine Adderall is a stimulant. Amphetamine is the general term for it. For the majority of ADHD symptoms, stimulant medications are the primary line of treatment. Adderall's adverse effects are comparable to those of other stimulant medications that individuals use to treat the symptoms of ADHD.

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