Island-wide FREE WiFi for all as of 11:11:11ON

  • BARBADOS TODAY 25.07.2011

    by Alicia Austin
    As of November 11 this year, everyone in Barbados
    whether visiting or residing will have free Wi-Fi access to the

    This was confirmed at a press conference by the Barbados
    Entrepreneurship Foundation at McKinney Rogers, Woodland
    Plantation, St. George. Functioning with the slogan, 11.11.11.
    ON to emphasize the venture, Chief Executive Officer of
    McKinney Rogers, and an associate of BEF, Damian McKinney,
    said it was the desire of the organization for people in the
    country to have free access to the Internet — “from bus stop
    to rum shop”.

    McKinney said the Wi-Fi proposal was an initiative propelled
    by the current economic recession and the turmoil that some
    countries had been facing.

    “You need to have something that really launches the
    challenge. There were many who had this similar dream and
    what we did was take that dream and make it a reality by
    saying that we would deliver it by November 11, 2011 —
    we were referring to this as 11.11.11.ON. It’s an absolute
    commitment that we will provide, free Wi-Fi access to every
    person in this country by that date,” McKinney said.
    He noted that the achievement could make Barbados the
    first completely wireless island in the Caribbean and the first
    country in the world to achieve 100 per cent wireless access
    across its territory.

    He added that the venture was an opportunity for Barbados
    to be at the “centre of the world” by giving people access
    to what the world has to offer via free Internet. “Whether
    you are a young student doing your geography or history, or
    a project, [you will have] access to information on the web.
    Frankly, I wish when I was a young person I had access... It will
    provide entrepreneurs the opportunity not only for business
    ideas, or thoughts, but simply the ability to interrogate lessons
    learnt. To old age pensioners who are looking forward to
    their next chapter in life, to unions, to all of us, we’ll benefit
    massively from this opportunity,” McKinney said.

    To pursue this project, McKinney said the organization
    engaged in talks with the Government, and telecommunications
    companies to create what he described as a “seamless
    infrastructure” for citizens, tourists and businesses to
    participate with the liberty of not having to apply a password.
    McKinney said he believed Barbados could be a world
    leader, despite its relatively small size.
    He warned, however, that the access would not extend to
    people being able to download a movie or upload a clip but
    rather to allow Internet access at sufficient speed to facilitate
    connection and manipulation of e-mail, access text-based
    information and make simple on-line transactions such as
    banking and bill payment.
    He also stated the recent advertisements aimed at
    persuaded people to secure their Internet connections was not
    a hindrance to the project.


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